
Strawberry Goodness

If I had to pick a favorite food that definitely wells up worship inside me, it would be a hard choice between Ruffles & Hidden Valley ranch dip, spicy fried chicken, bacon, and strawberries. Most of my friends might be surprised to find that good strawberries probably top my favorites list above bacon (for which my admiration is well known, hehe). It's just that bacon is pretty consistent whereas some batches of strawberries are good and others are mediocre at best.

Anyway, I am always interested in recipes for pretty much homemade strawberry anything! I recently came across a simple recipe for strawberry ice cream that does not require an ice cream maker and thought I would share it with you. I found the recipe here and have made measurement conversions and ingredient adjustments to be able to make this recipe in the U.S. My trial run led to delicious tasting ice cream, but I did find it to have a bit of an icy/grainy texture. Let me know if you end up with a creamier consistency. I may have slacked a little on whisking times as sometimes you just have to make allowances for spontaneous steakburgers and games of 42!

  • 1 1/3 1lb containers of good strawberries
  • 2/3 cup of extra fine granulated sugar (can be found in grocery stores or you can be cheap like me and try to make your own with a food processor or clean coffee bean grinder)
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 10oz heavy whipping cream
  • 1/3 cu + 1Tbs + 1tsp milk
  1. Wash, de-stem, and core (if necessary) strawberries. I also halved or quartered them for easier processing (since I don't own a food processor).
  2. Set aside about a dozen strawberries, and put the rest in a food processor (or blender) with the sugar and lemon juice. Process (or blend) until smooth, and transfer to a bowl.
  3. Put the dozen strawberries into the food processor until mangled. I used my little electric chopper for this job. Add mangled strawberries to the bowl of liquidy, strawberry goodness.
  4. Put the cream into the processor until it is thickened but not stiff.
  5. Pour the cream and milk in with the strawberries and mix thoroughly with a whisk.
  6. Place the bowl in the freezer. Remove from the freezer and whisk every hour for at least four times total.
  7. After the last whisk, transfer to a tub with a lid and freeze until solid.
  8. Eat and enjoy!


Sarah D said...

I'm glad it turned out and that a 42 side-track did not detract from the deliciousness. :)

Preeti said...

must. learn. how. to. cook.