
Better Late Than Never

A long time ago, I mentioned that I was reading through Genesis and planned on posting reflections from my reading. Oops! It never happened! Well, I started over reading the Old Testament due to a new Bible in a Year Plan I have been working through and was convicted yesterday evening, by the Spirit through a great friend, that I don't even remember a quarter of what I learned and haven't ever shared it with the hopes of encouragement and edification of others. So I figured better late than never! Here are just a few things that jumped out at me as I read:
  • Fruit bearing: God didn't just call us to bear fruit; He showed us what it looks like first. He designed it, spoke it into being, brings forth new life from it, and produces from it according to its kind or designation. Then He commands us to do likewise. Fruit carries the seed to bring forth new life; this is what we are called to do spiritually! We carry the seed, but it is He who designates what type of fruit it will be, when it will come to fruition, and how it will come to fruition. We also know that not every seed from fruit that hits the ground bears lasting fruit, but fruit carries and scatters its seed nonetheless. Furthermore, spiritual fruit then is not just about qualities or characteristics that a person would want to attain, but it is about bringing forth life! Joseph was grateful for his suffering, recognized it came from God, was quick to forgive those God used, and He realized his suffering was used to bring life. He knew his role as a fruit bearer!
  • Blessing: Many people think of blessings as stuff - things we get that we're thankful for. My family is a blessing. My house is a blessing. We wish each other blessings. Some people even wish others a blessed day. There are different types of blessing in the Bible, but I'm just going to discuss this one. A blessing isn't just something graciously given to us that generates thanksgiving; it's actually a call by God and a means to fulfill the call - the ultimate call being to glorify Him. How awesome is that?
  • Sovereignty & Prayer: Genesis 6:5-7 is tough in regard to this subject. God created man, and as He is omniscient, He knew what sinners we would become. Yet, He was sorry (as in grieved, not apologetic) He had made men and planned to destroy them. Noah actually changed God's mind. Later, Abraham interceded for Lot and Sodom. God's mind is so unfathomable! It's crazy that He could plan to destroy something and yet save that same something at the same time, and that He would use human pleas and prayers to accomplish His purposes.
  • Questioning: Abraham, named the father of faith, could converse honestly with God about questions and details, but he believed. His questions were asked in faith - in God's promises rather than whatever his desires or passions were. This is encouragement to me that it's okay to talk with God and ask Him questions.
  • Big Picture: God often promised things to the people in Genesis that would not be fulfilled until many years and much suffering later. But aside from the fact that He was still faithfully fulfilling His promise, He was often accomplishing part of a bigger picture (such as judgment of a nation) while slowly (to us) fulfilling His promises. This was a great reminder that God's work in my life is just one small part of a huge picture. Also, when Abraham didn't trust that the Lord was enough or that the Lord would keep Him safe, he almost brought sin upon others. Our sins and lack of trust do have consequences that may affect others.
  • Weight of Sin: It is said that Esau 'despised' his birthright, because he gave it up so easily in exchange for immediate fleshly desires (food in this case). Wow! 'Despise' is a strong word! So when we choose the created over the Creator, could it be said that we are essentially in that moment 'despising' Him? It is clear that we are showing a low valuation of Him at the time. How weighty is that? Thank God that He has mercy on us!
  • Valuable Presence: When the trinity appears to Abraham, he RAN to serve them for the pleasure of the Lord's presence. Why do we serve? Do we truly value the presence of the Lord? What does the presence of the Lord stir in us? How awesome must the Lord's presence be?!
Well, those are just a few things that stuck out to me. I hope they have encouraged and/or edified you! I will do the same for the other books as I complete them (hopefully). It will take me a while for Exodus, Leviticus, and Matthew as I stopped taking notes for a while.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

thanks for sharing!