Updated facts:
- December 20th: Robbie and I went to look at houses.
- December 22nd: We put an offer on a house we liked, and it got accepted.
- December 23rd: We discovered I was pregnant.
- January 12th: We were told my pregnancy was a possible miscarriage and that we'd have to wait two weeks (of horrible emotional torture) to find out for sure.
- January 16th: Robbie and I closed on our first house and became official homeowners.
- January 26th: We found out I was indeed miscarrying our first child.
- March 7th: We will officially move into the new house.
Quick and General Status Update:
- I am still processing lots of stuff. Processing has already been very fruitful spiritually, but there's so much more to be done. I will post the things I am learning in a separate blog post later.
- I am starting to feel like myself again (as of about a week ago). I am currently thankful for where I am right now. If God chooses to grant Robbie and I kids in the future, we will never have this exact stage of our lives again. I don't want to waste it! I'm thankful for the extra time alone with the hubby and for the extra time to use flexibly without it being mandated by a small person.
- I do still hope, beg, and pray that one day God will bless me with the ability to bear children. But God in His mercy has granted me a general state of patience and peace right now which I can promise you could only come from Him.
- I still have some rough and discouraging days, but the quantity of those is growing smaller.
Lola, I'm so sorry for your sad news. The house will be exciting, but I know it will be hard to focus on that concerning other things. I hope we can catch up soon- besides through each others blogs- take care and I'll be thinking of you!
Love you girl! Let's catch up soon!
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