
An Honest Update

I am not the best at updating this blog, so I figured I'd post some updated facts and then a status update in case I left any of you few readers hanging.

Updated facts:
  • December 20th: Robbie and I went to look at houses.
  • December 22nd: We put an offer on a house we liked, and it got accepted.
  • December 23rd: We discovered I was pregnant.
  • January 12th: We were told my pregnancy was a possible miscarriage and that we'd have to wait two weeks (of horrible emotional torture) to find out for sure.
  • January 16th: Robbie and I closed on our first house and became official homeowners.
  • January 26th: We found out I was indeed miscarrying our first child.
  • March 7th: We will officially move into the new house.
It was quite an exciting end to one year and a difficult start to another. If you didn't already know that information, that may help you make sense of my previous few posts.

Quick and General Status Update:
  • I am still processing lots of stuff. Processing has already been very fruitful spiritually, but there's so much more to be done. I will post the things I am learning in a separate blog post later.
  • I am starting to feel like myself again (as of about a week ago). I am currently thankful for where I am right now. If God chooses to grant Robbie and I kids in the future, we will never have this exact stage of our lives again. I don't want to waste it! I'm thankful for the extra time alone with the hubby and for the extra time to use flexibly without it being mandated by a small person.
  • I do still hope, beg, and pray that one day God will bless me with the ability to bear children. But God in His mercy has granted me a general state of patience and peace right now which I can promise you could only come from Him.
  • I still have some rough and discouraging days, but the quantity of those is growing smaller.
That's the quick update. Thank you to all those who have been praying for me and ministering to me. I never needed it more.


Rob & Jen said...

Lola, I'm so sorry for your sad news. The house will be exciting, but I know it will be hard to focus on that concerning other things. I hope we can catch up soon- besides through each others blogs- take care and I'll be thinking of you!

Preeti said...

Love you girl! Let's catch up soon!